According to the question the clean means something or somewhere free from wastes and other litter what are disturb to the beauty of there. But the green is not only about clean, it is related more deeper than clean. if Some thing green and it doesnt mean clean. Environmental friendly things are more green, when we consider a product if it is used eco-friendly method of production it can be considered as a green product simply although not clean. Renewable powers are Green. It is not related with clean concept and cannot be describe with clean as well. Solar, wind, Nuclear, Geothermal, Todal are some examples for green energies, which are related to renewable energy catagery. Non-renewable energies are not green energies. Fossil fuels, Natural gases etc: are the examples for non renewable energies. Imagine about the Nissan leaf car and it is introduced as an eco friendly car. But this car is not 100% green car sometimes. it depends on the major method of power generation of th...
"Never opens the gates of Heaven until you open the door of your wisdom" Go Green World is changing always.We have to give knowledge to the society about the environmental impacts due to things what we've done. Climate change, Global warming, etc. I think before all, we have to brig this idea to the society, If society doesn't go Eco friendly at present , future generation has to compensate on it.