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Solar Wind

Solar Wind is an energized stream which includes of charged particles , such as Electrons and Protons. Those particles are the most consisted in solar wind. But it includes alpha as well. When we are go into this topic "Solar Wind", we have a doubt how its generated?

Solar wind is Massive injection of those particles mentioned above. The main reason for the solar wind is the reaction which are occurred in the Sun's Core. Because of this reactions , charged particles are generated and they starting to move here and there with high(extreme) velocities. Due to this, those charged particles are reached to the outer boundary of the sun and then they are become free charged particles which have no more bound by the Sun's Gravity. Then they Escaped from the Sun's gravity and move like a stream What we call Solar Wind.And also travel as far as distance.

Lets go and check more further what is solar wind......??

Sun extremely contains a gaseous body and also it has a massive and complex magnetic field structure.This Extreme magnetic field gives to raise the SunSpot (which are know as the darker and cooler areas of the sun is also known as the Photosphere), and these group of sunspot are charged with the opposite magnetic polarity. This process is happened most of the time in the Sun. this gives to rise the flow of Plasma along with these magnetic lines, and it causes to produce Energy. At the critical level of the Energy Generation another process has to be done is called Solar Flares( we will discuss more about this in future post ,be in touch) When the generating of energy is reached critical point and due to it the magnetic field is disrupted and the plasma escapes the sun due to Solar Flares. Then this plasma escaping to the space and hitting every where what is plasma met, and this is known as the Solar Wind.

You Know the Average speed of the solar wind is about 900km/s at the temperature is about 1 Million degrees Celsius. However we cannot capture the solar wind by now although many missions are done by the space specialists. Solar wind is caused by the hot solar corona (which is also know as the most outer layer of the Sun). You know the solar wind is a kind of matter we call it plasma it can strikes on atmospheres of the other planets. Therefore this Solar wind is More dangerous, It can affect on technologies, if the solar wind strikes on Earth's Atmosphere the magnetic field of the Earth will be disturbed temporarily. It means the charged particles carries with the solar wind can affect on satellites and Global Positioning Systems(GPS). That is way of affecting on human by the Solar Wind

The Space Wind  also includes Solar Wind. We will discuss about the Space wind with another post in future.

Tips to Know....

  • Solar Winds are out come of the Corona Mass Ejections which is called as CMEs.
  • Speed about 400 to 900+ km/s at various temperatures ( 1 million degrees celsius+)
  • Corona is the RIM of the sun can be seen by the naked Eye also.
  • Solar Wind can strike on Atmospheres, even Earth's Atmosphere.
  • It has the ability of changing the Magnetic fields of the planets.
  • If no magnetic filed , our protective force filed will disappear forever and then then solar wid com across the earth and dry as Mars! no life (lifeness planet)
  • Don't Worry it is important to note that this won't be happen for more Billions of years.
  • If our magnetic field affect it will be come back with in few thousand years.

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