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Eco Tourism

When you think about Eco Tourism, What comes to your mind?  

  • GREEN ?

                     If we can go around the world with the minimizing of impacts to the earth we call it shortly Eco-Tourism. normally we know there are many types of tourism such as education tourism, adventure tourism, disaster tourism, mass tourism, sustainable tourism etc: by today most countries in the world are looking for Eco-Tourism because of the pollution and environmental impacts were done due to mass tourism and other economic related tourism. specially due to the mass tourism there are more pollution is happened where we can see the mass tourism, we can see mass tourism in many coastal areas many tourists are willing to spend there time in a hotel or anywhere near to beach. therefore the all coastal areas in the world are becoming polluted by today. the main reason is to this, is the beaches are fulfilled with humans beyond the carrying capacity of the place. And also this kind of mass tourism is affected on the environments heavily, construction of the hotels and many buildings according to economic purposes only without thinking of the environmental or the society is causing for this matter, 

                         Not only the Eco problems are happened, there are much more problems are occurred related to the society. then we can take a look in, how this is causing to the society. As we know the mass tourism is depending upon the hotels and beaches mostly. Therefore this can be affected on people, specially children around those beaches. they are doing jobs related to the hotels or spas near them. they don't want to get educated , they have no idea about education because they get money from the tourists. from very young ages they start to work and dealing with the tourists. Most bad thing is they are not dealing with tourists not only in a better way or good way, there are doing dealing with them in  unethical ways, such as drugs, alcohol and more unethical ways. On the other side boys near those areas are becoming beach boys is also a serious case. 

                          Some years ago I overheard that rape cases of tourists, you know, there are more parties in those areas near to the beaches and those parties are consists of drugs and alcohol definitely, therefore tourists who are involving with these parties they get doped. Female and male both are get doped, It's a common thing happening over there. After they get doped specially in female/ladies they don't know what's going on. they are get raped by beach boys and some times not only by one person by more people. This is another problem which related to the mass tourism.

               Because of above problems and matters people are looking for another way of tourism which cannot be affected in three ways.
  1. Environmentally 
  2. Socially
  3. Economically 

If we can fulfill these three major factors, that is the Sustainable Tourism. That is also can be called ECO-TOURISM

What is Sustainable Development ?
  • Sustainable Development is meeting the needs of present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.
Can we fulfill the above definition with the Eco-tourism ? YES we can do so... that's why many countries are turning to ecotourism by now/today. some countries there are many villages and they are named as Eco-tourism places, those places are conducted bye villagers. Guiders are also people among them, they keep those places very secretly and keep cleanly as much as they can. Because they  know they are get paid due to this, due to the tourists who are coming there, travel there.therefore they don't let those places polluted not only from local people also from tourists. Not like mass tourism they don't only think about the economic side, they are thinking of environmentally, and also socially. that is the major target of the eco tourism. Some times we heard that people are fighting to protect those places from many unethical things,like constructing buildings or like hotels. people don not allow to do it. somehow those tasks cause to protect environment.

To be updated....

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